Because Argentina is a fiercely catholic country, they take easter very seriously and give students a lot of time off from school. My friend Lauren and I planned a trip to Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Uruguay during the holiday because they are very close to each other. We left Tuesday night and got to Buenos Aires early Wednesday morning. The bus ride was HORRIBLE; we sat in the front because those seats have the most room, but it was storming that night so we got to listen to pounding rain on the windshield the entire night. Also, our bus driver had a weird "running into trees" fetish and at one point we slammed into something so hard, it cracked the glass. It was so loud, and of course it happened during one of the few times I was able to sleep. This wasn't just a small crack either, it was probably the size of a softball with a ton of spider webs attached. Once we arrived in Buenos Aires, we cabbed to our hostel, but it was like 8 am so we couldn't check in just yet so we dropped our bags off and romped around for a while. It took us forever to find a place to eat because nothing opens here until 9 or 10, but we finally managed to get our hands on some pastries and then we walked around and found a sweet mall and some gardens. Unfortunately, it was cold and drizzly, so we could enjoy the nature very much. After a while, we went back and checked in to the hostel to clean up and then we talked to some of the others staying there. We found a place for dinner and then when we got back, we went to the balcony and chatted with some American guys staying there. One of them actually lived in Buenos Aires, and told us about this cool rooftop bar, so we went with them there. The scene was so trendy! We were staying in this area called Palermo, which is supposedely really hip...the bar was like something you might find in New York. Everyone was wearing plaid and glasses and skinny jeans. I did not like the clientale one bit, they all had this attitude of superiority that sucked and ruined any fun possible. I did like the place though, and as long as you could ignore their upturned noses, it was really cool.
The next day, we had to get up early in order to check out. We took the subway into the center...well, we took it the wrong way at first, but then figured that out, ha ha. So in the centro, we walked around Plaza de Mayo (which I posted pictures of before), and calle Florida, which has a ton of shops and tourists. We killed the day there, and then grabbed our stuff from the hostel before getting a cab to the boat terminal. Our boat left Buenos Aires at 6:30 to cross into Colonia, Uruguay. From there, we got a bus to Montevideo where we checked into our new hostel! Arriba hostel was SUCH a great experience; it was clean and the concierge guy (Juanchy) was soo friendly. Right away, he took us into the common area and introduced us to everyone gathered in there. We stayed up until pretty late just talking with the other people staying there. There were people from Ireland, England and Australia...all just taking time out of their lives to travel. On Friday morning, we woke up and it was soooooooo nice outside so we went to the beach for a little while with one of the British guys. Unfortunately, the sun only hung around for an hour or so, but it was still nice to get out in the fresh air without a sweater on! After the beach, we took a bus into the center in order to see "La Ciudad Vieja" (the old city), but we walked the wrong way and by the time we figured it out, it was starting to get dark and rainy so we headed back. Once at the hostel, we ate dinner and hung out with the Irish couple and other floaters. That night, we went to a club with some of the British guys and Juanchy...the girls in Montevideo can dance like no other, I was so jealous of their moves!
Saturday we woke up to and went in to see the old city and the point (Montevideo is on a peninsula). Between the old city and the point, the neighborhood is kind of poor and we definitely shouldn't have been walking there alone, but we thought that it would be okay...Well, no. On our way back to find a bus stop to go to the hostel, we were walking along talking casually when all of the sudden we heard the sound of someone running. Both of us turned around and saw a small boy (14, but malnourished to the max) coming up behind us. Both of us thought he was just running to his house, but then he grabbed Lauren's bag (she was on the outside of the two of us). Thank god it was an across-the- body bag and she was holding on to it so he had a really hard time getting it. He was tugging and tugging and it finally broke, but the the strap in HIS hand, and the bag in HERS. He looked down and realized that he had lost, so he ran away. It all happened so fast! All I could do was raise the shopping bag I had in my hand to try and hit him, but by that time, he was gone. We got really lucky that a) he was so little and b) he didn't have a weapon and also c) that he didn't try me. Lauren had just gotten pickpocketed the previous weekend, so the only money she had, had been wired from her parents...I, on the other hand had my entire wallet, our bus tickets, my camera, etc. etc. The sad thing is that there were people around and they didn't bat an eye. And of course as we're scurrying to get to a safer area, a police car passed us.
We were super cautious from then, we put our bags inside of our jackets!
We returned to the hostel and hung out for a while until we needed to go to the bus terminal. For the ride back to Córdoba, we got tickets for a nicer bus that had more vertically reclining seats and it served dinner. Well, I couldn't really eat the dinner, but it was a nice thought. On Sunday, once back in Córdoba, I took a little nap and then I had to commence to studying because we had a test on Monday, how cruel right?
All in all, it was a really great trip. We really got out of our comfort zones, but in a good way. We met some really cool people with awesome stories and experiences under their belts.
In my last post, I talked about all of the birthdays, right? Well this past weekend was fun...very relaxed! Friday night I went to the surprise party and then I went out with my tutor. She is so great, and really a blast to go out with! Saturday I woke up and went into the center to see this place called "Buen Pastor" which is basically this area where people go to be outside, hang out, and drink maté. We didn't stay for very long because it started to get dark, but it's definitely a place that I want to visit again! Last night, some of us decided to be low key and we went to this really chill place called "Don't Worry" bar and just hung out.
Luckily, this upcoming week is really low key for me...finally. Those tests the last few weeks really stressed me out and I don't normally get anxious so it's great to be able to relax. I need to come up with a plan for after my program because it's about time. I guess I can come home, but I really do love it here in S. America and I don't feel like it's my time. I might as well stay for a while longer, since I'm here and all. If anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE EMAIL ME!
Also, my skype name is hijessieboss if anyone wants to skype with me, I love to skype! My internet connection isn't all that great but sometimes it's sufficient!
random demonstration we saw while in Montevideo.

The main plaza in Montevideo

Street art in Palermo

Botanical Gardens in Bs. As...there were sooo many cats!

Botanical gardens in Bs As