Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am getting into the final week here so who knows if there will be another post- considering I’ve been so terrible about writing this entire time, I’d say it’s safe to say this will be the last. HOW SAD, RIGHT?

In conclusion, it’s hard to say my favorite part or if the trip was better this year or etc. etc. because it was all soooo different. Yeah I bought shoes, and yess I ate a lot of alfajores just like last year but I think if I had to summarize the experience with one word, I’d choose “comfort”.

Last night, my friend Hanna and I failed to make it to the Artists fair before it closed, so we went trolloping around until we met up with some other international students that were in Centro to see someone off. As we parked outside of a little delivery restaurant to eat a final lomo sandwich (bread…meat…egg…cheese…mayonnaise…lettuce…etc….), we were all talking in English but then our friend Any came to say bye to Hanna, and it was like “Ooh, ok an Argy person now we speak in Spanish but with no problem”

When I say comfort, I don’t mean just in terms of using my Spanish, I mean in basically ever aspect of my life here. I can go buy stuff, use the busses, talk to strangers in kioscos and order ice cream without the anxiety that I had last year or even for the first month or two.

I always feel like I’m making lists, so I’ll do one for the bittersweet things I’ll miss in Arg and of COURSE my memory is crap so I’ll forget loads but I mean ew whatever.

-street dogs
-street whistles
-street art (graffiti)
-kioscos (convenience stores)
-fernet (alcohol)
-slow colectivos on Sundays (busses)
-boliches (clubs)
-my yelping dogs
-alfajores (desert)
-pritty (a soda like mountain dew)
-facturas (croissants, etc.)
-the rubbish coffee
-mah fwiendss
-mah family
-chicken milanesas
-the opportunity to experience something new every day and be in a country SO CLOSE TO BRAZIL

Basically…I can’t wait to come back. So although I’ll be home July 2nd, I don’t foresee it being for a really extended stay in the states.

Until next time, xoxo


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Winding down :(

Hanna and I at her birthday party. Notice the middle part? Well I decided it was too tame, so I went and got bangs...

Last night (Friday), the foreign students went to a nearby area of the province for a “closing weekend” and while there, we all sat in a room and had to say something about our experience here in Argentina. I volunteered to go third, but when my turn rolled around I found impossible to summarize time here in anything shorter than 5 hours so I mumbled off a few generic things about how I don’t want to leave and love my family, etc.

I stumbled upon the list of ten things that I wanted to accomplish while here and this blog post will be dedicated to exploring what I did, did not, and have yet to do…

10. Travel to Brazil
My trip to Brazil was one of my favorites in my whole life. It was so short and I barely got a taste of the authentic culture since we were simply tourists while there, but I saw enough to know that it’s a beautiful country with beautiful people and I can’t wait to get back.
9. Become absolutely fluent in Spanish
I mean I couldn’t hold a good conversation with a doctor talking in technical terms, but I know so much. There’s room for improvement, but more like a 5k now instead of a marathon.
8. Explore the province of Córdoba
I haven’t seen every little nook and cranny, but neither have most people living here- it’s just like my travels in NC are limited to Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill etc. I’ve been (so far) to 7 places within the province, and I hope to see one or two more before I leave.
7. Visit the zoo
Oops. Maybe I’ll go tonight…
6. See penguins in Patagonia
As for big trips, I prioritized Brazil, sorry glaciers.
5. Make at least 10 Argentine friends (this will help with fluency)
I mean a lot of them are boys, but who’s counting. I count my sisters as friends, my tutor, her sister, etc. I’m much more at home this year with the people.
4. Volunteer in a social setting that could help with my future career
I trieeeddd. I might help in a day care center but they wanted me in June when I’m leaving so I don’t know if I see the point…
3. Join a gym

I only mentally put one cross mark through this one because I run at a park, so I’m getting exercise, it’s just cheaper. Also, sometimes I walk the HOUR TREK to school.
2. Form a really good relationship with my host family
Delfi, Teresa, and Lu after Teresa "graduated"- the ceremony is to throw as much crap as possible...don't ask why.
This one’s hard because I don’t really know where to begin, hey? I started off thinking “oh my host family will be cool because they’re blonde and young” but now after four or so months; I really cringe at the thought of leaving them. Within the last two months, I’ve noticed a change in our relationship. Obviously sometimes it’s a little awkward since I’m not a “daughter”, but they do so well with balancing giving me attention and giving me space. I know that my sister’s boyfriend reads this (hello nacho) and so he’ll laugh and comment to me later, but I don’t know… seeing the interactions between my sisters and mom and then within my sisters has really made me appreciate my family back home. Emma’s stupid blackberry broke so we can’t BBM all the time like before, but if there’s one thing I’m looking forward to in the US, it’s to have a familiar relationship again. Now, I’m comfortable to joke and be playful with the people here, which makes me feel like me. It’s like I’m at home in another country as tacky as that sounds. My real family is one of the things I miss being here, and my host family is the thing I dread the most to leave behind.
1. Marry an Argentine (LOL GUYS!)
Omg, just…no.

I’ll get more profound with feelings about my experience here in about two weeks when I’m not in exam season, so until then- wish me luck and I’ll see everyone soon (too soon).