Monday, March 7, 2011


Russian Orthodox church
How many pigeons are too many pigeons?

Casa Rosada (Like the White House)

National Bank of Argentina

Beautiful architecture

The first Subaru I've seen, hi mom!
US Embassy
San Martín (their equivalent to George Washington)

Amanda, Missy, and I before we left Córdoba

Hair stylist?

1 comment:

  1. I love the cemetery pic (narrow view of the street), could be blown up as a poster. Very colorful buildings there & interesting architecture (old & new).
    Good skypping w/you last nite. Hope you had a good time out w/your buddies (how'd it go w/"Blanco"?).
    Enjoy your day off. Maybe this weekend will be relaxing and/or used to explore Cordoba more. Mucho love to you,
