Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Another post about Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires!

Thursday night we all met up at the terminal to embark on the 8-10 hour journey on a relatively comfy bus. Once we arrived in the capital early-ish Friday morning, we checked into our hotel that was hosting the annual Argentine tattoo festival or something which was totally rad and then we went to do the city tour which was essentially the same as last year. We went to La Boca, El Palermo, La Recoleta, a park with a gorgeous rose garden, and the Plaza de Mayo among other things. After eating lunch, we had some free time to explore or nap (nap for me, thank you) and then we visited some museums and went to dinner at the restaurant from last year (“Siga La Vaca”). On Saturday, we had some more tours and ate lunch at a casino which was gross because it was a buffet, but funny because we were the only people under 80 years.

That night, we went to Puerto Madero and got to see a Tango show and ate a delicious three course dinner. Thankfully, this go around I had a bad reaction to the food on FRIDAY night as opposed to SATURDAY night so I was able to actually watch the show this time! It was really fab- very seductive I must say.

On Sunday, we went to an artisans fair in the neighborhood of “Sant Telmo” where I got a few souvenirs and had a good romp around observing the vendors. After lunch and taking a tour of the “Pink House” (their equivolent to the White House), we hit another fair and then went to the bus terminal.

We arrived back in Córdoba, very groggy, at around 6:30am. Thankfully I was able to go home and sleep for a few hours but then I woke up to an electricity-less house which was loads of fun considering I was obviously smelly and rumpled from the 10 hour bus trip.

Anyways, I tromped along to school where nothing really exciting happened aside from being reminded that the Visa process is about to start again.

Not good news.

Not looking forward to waking up at 5 am to stand in line with millions of other immigrants.

Not looking forward to being denied a visa simply because the systems here are a little slower.

Not looking forward to the hundreds of return trips I’ll inevitably have to make simply because I’m me.

The earplugs are coming in handy pandy dandy! Used ‘em on the bus, use ‘em when I sleep, use ‘em when I go to class (heh..)

The chocolate withdrawals are less frequent.

The weather is really crap.

Today, I woke up for my 8:45 class and it was raining which was fine especially because I got to school and it stopped. But then on my way home it was pouring cats and dogs in every sense of the phrase. Oh sorry, it’s really important to note that when I hopped off the bus (and I literally had to jump to avoid puddles), I was merrily walking along with my stupid useless umbrella when two busses passed me and splashed the dirty road water EVERYWHERE. Best way to start my day, yeah?

Well this week that’s in progress seems like it’s gonna be snoreful…I mean, until Friday that is. Why, do you ask? Oh well of course it’s SAINT PATRICK’S DAY. I also want to go Villa General Belgrano this weekend but I mean who knows what the weather will hold- good gosh I’m praying for sun because I’m sobbingly white.

# of times I spoke English while in Buenos Aires: I don’t want to talk about it

# of exhibitions that were closed in both the museums we went to combined: 3

# of plates I used at the Siga la Vaca buffet table: 6 ????

# of people I saw with face tattoos: 4

good day.

< The flower donated by the ever generous France

< In America we should not whine about the cleanliness of our waterways until we have experienced this one.

< La Boca (I swear it's a different picture from last years'...)

< I swear that the most common medium of graffiti here is white-out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey what's the visa stuff mean sista? I really love those pics!
