Thursday, March 29, 2012

So it's clear I'm not dead

DISCLAIMER: this blog will be boring.

5 points –

1) 1) I didn’t end up going to Villa General Belgrano, but I did go to the river with my tutor and some other friends which was rad and beautiful

2) 2) St. Patrick’s Day was on a Saturday, not a Friday like I thought so I didn’t actually celebrate it properly

3) 3) I fell while I was trying to coolly leave my psychology class and knocked over an aluminum chair in the process

4) 4) Migrations went off without a hitch

5) 5) Soccer practice started yesterday and today I slept til 1:30

Love life, Love Arg,


# of postcards I have still yet to send: 3

# of hours waited in migrations: 6

# of crunches completed at soccer practice: 2 million

# of times I’ve worked out in my brain which shoes I’ll have to leave behind to make weight on my luggage: 12 (ish)

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