Hoy es viernes, ¡mi día favorito!
Mañana, muy temprano, voy al Cumbre para hacer parapente, oooh!
-Translation: tomorrow, very early, I am going to el Cumbre to go paragliding, oooh!
Here in Argentina, adventure sports (turismo activo) are super popular, safe, and CHEAP! To go paragliding, I have purchased a bus ticket (for a three hour trip) for $30 pesos (US$7.46!), then we will hike and paraglide for $200 pesos (US$50), and stay in a hostel for $50 pesos (US$12.40)...Can you beat that in America? I think not. I'm really having such a great time here, I'm thankful to everyone for being so supportive and whatnot!
Yesterday, we had a special culture class where we learned how to bake the traditional bread (criolla), and ride horses! While kneading the dough, our instructor brought out this bowl of little meat pieces that are commonly baked into the bread to give more flavor. Luckily, I was able to make mine "sin grasa" (as opposed to "con grasa) and it turned out "muy rico" (an expression commonly used to describe food as rich or delicious). After the bread, we hopped on horses, which was really awesome except for the fact that I was wearing flipflops and my feet kept slipping out of the stirrups! We get to go back next month to continue our lessons, and the instructor said that by the end of term, we'd be probably all be jumping! What a thing to look forward to!
During our regular class yesterday we talked about the slang here (there is SO MUCH) and safety...finally something practical! Last night, I went into el centro (downtown) again, and actually got off at the correct stop! I had dinner with my tutor and her boyfriend again; we made veggie fajitas! During/after dinner, they introduced me to more slang, popular music, and a few card games! They even showed me some slick salsa moves! After dinner, we ate the bread I made with dulce de leche...not to gloat or anything, but it was pretty decent. When it came time for me to go home, we walked to the bus stop and waited for literally an hour before realizing that my line stops at 1am, so I had to get a cab. I don't mind taking cabs with other people, or when necessary because they're decently cheap (~$27 pesos for a 15-20 min ride=US $7), but a bus ride = US$.50, so...at least now we know!
I'm starting to feel more at home with my family...the running joke is of course, about my vegetarianism (but all in good humour!). I really like my sister Carla, but I never could tell if she thought I was a nuisance or not. I got so excited the other day though, because she asked my opinion on some shoes she bought! ACCEPTANCE!!
While bored in class the other day, I started a list of things that I miss from home (no people, because I can at least communicate with them), and here is what I thought of:
1) Alex B
2) Chipotle
3) Pretzel M&Ms
4) Books in english
5) Clothes that I should have packed, but forgot
6) Saturday Night Live
There aren't that many things, which is good right? I'm sure I'll come up with a billion more once I've been here for longer. I'm adjusting to the hoots and hollers of the men...kind of. The toilet water flushes the opposite way, electricity is "muy caro" (very expensive), and the weather is all over the place.
I'll post pictures of parapenting if possible (I've heard that it is)
chau besos, jes
did you take that pic? there's snow now?